题目:输入一个整数和一棵二元树。从树的根结点开始往下访问一直到叶结点所经过的所有结点形成一条路径。打印出和与输入整数相等的所有路径。例如 输入整数22和如下二元树10/ /5 12/ /4 7则打印出两条路径:10, 12和10, 5, 7。二叉树节点的数据结构定义为:struct BinaryTreeNode // a node in the binary tree{int m_nValue; // value of nodeBinaryTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of nodeBinaryTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node};
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; struct BinaryTreeNode { int m_nValue; BinaryTreeNode *m_pLeft; BinaryTreeNode *m_pRight; }n1,n2,n3,n4,n5; BinaryTreeNode* buildTree() { n1.m_nValue = 10; n1.m_pLeft = &n2; n1.m_pRight = &n3; n2.m_nValue = 5; n2.m_pLeft = &n4; n2.m_pRight = &n5; n3.m_nValue = 12; n4.m_nValue = 4; n5.m_nValue = 7; n3.m_pLeft = n3.m_pRight = n4.m_pLeft = n4.m_pRight = n5.m_pLeft = n5.m_pRight = NULL; return &n1; } void FindPath(BinaryTreeNode *pCurrent,int sum,int curval,vector<int> &path) { if(pCurrent == NULL) { return ; } curval += pCurrent->m_nValue; path.push_back(pCurrent->m_nValue); if(curval == sum) { if(pCurrent->m_pLeft == NULL && pCurrent->m_pRight == NULL) { for(vector<int>::iterator it = path.begin();it != path.end();it++) { cout<<*it<<" "; } cout<<endl; } } else { if(pCurrent->m_pLeft) { FindPath(pCurrent->m_pLeft,sum,curval,path); } if(pCurrent->m_pRight) { FindPath(pCurrent->m_pRight,sum,curval,path); } } curval -= pCurrent->m_nValue; path.pop_back(); } int main() { BinaryTreeNode *pRoot; vector<int> path; pRoot = buildTree(); FindPath(pRoot,22,0,path); system("pause"); return 0; }